In the middle or point of indifference of a magnet, its two poles, however they may be distinguished, are brought into one. 磁针的中间或无差异点,把它的两极结合起来,这两极虽说彼此有差别,但直接地就被磁针结合为一。
In point of education, the manifestation of psychological punishment includes underestimation ( such as humiliation, threat, indifference and so on) negligence and abnormal attachment. 教育中的心理惩罚的表现形式有轻视(包括羞辱、威胁、冷漠等)、忽视和畸形重视。研究心理惩罚的特征与表现形式,可以为解决心理惩罚问题提供相应的理论依据。
Originally filled with ethics and moral point of educational management activities, it exists serious ethical indifference and lack of value. 原本充满着伦理关怀与道德指向的教育管理活动,恰恰存在着严重的对伦理的漠视和价值的缺失。